Four Seasons

Four Seasons

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

weather changes

These cooler nights and days and then the warmer days have got the insects going crazy! Just when things are getting normal and fitting a seasonal pattern mother nature throws us another curve. The one thing we have noticed as of late is the second round of those pesky gnats, especially during the evening hours. It seems as though with the change in temps it has somehow spurred a second hatching. Another noticeable increase has been in mosquito activity. The earlier rains of the season certainly helped the populations of the mosquito by giving the ample places to breed. Breeding areas for the mosquito can be in anything that can hold water like extra tires laying around, clogged gutters, bird baths that do not get cleaned regularly, toys in a yard that don't get used much, or anything else that may collect it. You can cut down on the amount of gnats and mosquito's by just doing a little eliminating of these spots and keeping weeds and shrubbery in check around the exterior of your home. Our exterior treatment program also does wonders for helping to keep the numbers down. By treating the exterior of your home it sets a barrier for the insects to cross before they can invade your living space. Keeping bugs out and helping to cut down the numbers of those pesky flying insects for a very low price, it might be worth a call to our office to find out more details. Maybe soon mother nature will decide whether or not to make it summer.

Monday, July 21, 2014


Us here at Four Seasons decided it was time to start a blog to provide just another way to keep you in the loop of what is happening in the bug world! We will hopefully be updating this daily with new information about insects you might be seeing, what we can do for them, and how are services are the best around! We will keep you posted!
